Dear Parents,
We had a stormy morning at camp which kept the campers quiet and in their tents -- unusual for the first morning waking up in the wilderness. Soon, the weather passed and we all met in the dining hall for a big breakfast. The kids needed all the nutrition they could get as they began their longest day of camp -- 7.5 hours of activities on the schedule today! Teams followed this schedule.
Red Team: Ecology, rock climbing, lunch, tie dye, zip line
Blue Team: Rock climbing, tie dye, lunch, zip line, river tracing
Green Team: Tie dye, zip line, lunch, river tracing, archery
Yellow Team: Zip line, river tracing, lunch, archery, giant swing
Orange Team: River tracing, archery, lunch, giant swing, ecology
Campers are currently getting cleaned up. Soon, we will be having dinner in the dining hall before writing in our journals. If the weather holds, tonight we will have a night wide game outside. If we get rain, we will have fun inside the main hall instead so nobody gets rained on before bed!
Goodbye from Camp Taiwan
Here is a Dropbox link for photos. We will update them periodically throughout the camp.
Grade 4 Group 2